We hope you are all keeping well and staying safe. It has been a long 4 months of lock-down and isolation.
We have been constantly watching and keeping up to date with the COVID-19 pandemic and taking the necessary steps to keeping the family safe and working towards the opening up of Paragon.
In April, Paragon went online to deliver Zumba and HiiT sessions via the virtual platform Zoom. This has been a success helping us keep in contact with many of you and delivering live regular exercise from the Paragon studio to you in your home. It's not been ideal with distraction of working out in your living room or the added frustration of live technology and sound! However, with your support and commitment we have maintained some normality in your fitness regime.
We began our first step into society with starting 1-2-1 personal training sessions again in parks following the government guidelines of a minimum 2 metres social distancing and no equipment. We have now progressed into accepting clients into our own outdoor space at the Paragon studio using equipment that can be easily disinfected between sessions and again extremely vigilant on following the government guidelines.
We introduced mixed gender ParkFIT, an outdoor exercise class at Hatton Park on Saturday mornings at 9am working to a minimum of 2 metre social distancing and each participant working in their own station and it is working incredibly well.
The government update regarding gyms and fitness classes being able to open on the 25th July was disappointing for us because the restrictions mean that opening up a group exercises class eg Zumba is still not viable at the moment and very complicated. As we teach in community venues eg community centre, village hall, school hall, that added complication for the venue to put in place everything necessary for a group exercise class is a hard one. Plus, they haven’t been given the guidance yet as to when or how this is possible.
Your health and safety are paramount to us and therefore we are taking a very careful and strict approach as to when we feel it safe to return to indoor working alongside our venues. Our diligent and well thought out response for returning to indoor fitness classes will result in us ensuring that every measure is in place to give our current clients and new clients confidence in returning to training outdoor and indoors in the future and keeping them as safe as possible.
We have now introduced a booking platform integrated into the website. This will be where all booking for online classes and Parkfit can be made. Once we move back into indoor classes, we will not be accepting cash or paperwork for new clients (PARQ). All payments and completed PARQs will be made when you book online.
The services that we currently offer:
Monday: Zumba 6pm (approx. 35mins) on ZOOM £4
Wednesday: Zumba 6pm (approx. 35mins) on Zoom £4
Thursday: HiiT 11am (approx. 35mins) on Zoom £4
Friday: HiiT 6pm (approx. 35mins) on Zoom £4
Saturday: ParkFit 9am (60min) at Barcheston Drive, Hatton Park. £6 **
**BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL to be able to plan a safe workout accordingly to group size. 30 places available for this session.
Your continued support and commitment throughout this time has been invaluable and very much appreciated. We still want to continue offering our services to help you maintain your health, fitness and mental wellbeing.
If you require any information on the above please contact us. Or if you have any ideas or requests in how Paragon can help you with your fitness again let us know.
Thankyou everyone.