Pulling long hours at the office yet continuing to access your work email at home? Stop. Stop it now. A recent report reveals that constant emailing and engaging with work after scheduled office hours is putting a damper on your emotional well-being, and increasing anxiety. The report, Exhausted, but Unable to Disconnect: The Impact of Email-related Organizational Expectations on Work-family Balance, states staying connected for almost all hours of the day, or leading an "always-on" lifestyle, is contributing to work burn-out, and emotional exhaustion.
“Email is notoriously known to be the impediment of the recovery process. Its accessibility contributes to experience of work overload since it allows employees to engage in work as if they never left the workspace, and at the same time, inhibits their ability to psychologically detach from work-related issues via continuous connectivity," said the authors.
These dragged out hours of communication are also detrimental to your physical well-being (the NHS states it increases your risk of stroke), and though you might belief these 'after-hours' help you to get everything done in a day, a recent study by the Expert Market Payroll discovers that this isn't the case.
In the data-collected study by Expert Market, the highest and lowest productive countries in the world were measured in terms of the time spent working, and GDP per capita. England was ranked 16 out of the 36 countries - deemed less efficient than any other European country. The top ten countries with shortest working hours (Luxembourg, Germany and Sweden to name a few) were also rated in the top 10 for highest productivity.
Looks like we could be less stressed out - and more productive - if we just cut the cord once 5pm rolls around. But we all know it can be quite difficult to refrain from the 'I just need to send this one last email before bed time' routine. So what's the best way to ease into a digital detox you wonder? On holiday, here are three ways to dial down your tech usage over holiday, so that you'll return less inclined to scroll through emails out of office hours.
NO PHONES IN THE BEDROOM Okay, you know LED screens affect sleep, but by reaching for your phone as soon as you wake up, you’re just dealing with someone else’s to-do list. The morning is when you’re at your most receptive, so encourage your own creativity rather than answering emails.
DITCH SOCIAL MEDIA APPS You check Instagram and your brain gets a hit of dopamine. And each time you do it, you form new neural pathways, according to a study in Brain Research Reviews, which means you are rewiring your brain. Delete those apps. Go on. Dare you.
DINNER DATE = NO PHONE A study showed even a switched off phone can distract you if it’s in plain sight. Vinaya jewellery vibrates when you get a message only from your most important contacts, like your mum or partner. So you can put your phone away without the FOMO.