5 Tips To Stay In Control In The Lead Up To Christmas

With 5 weeks to go until Christmas, we all know that December brings Christmas parties, family gatherings, mince pies and festive lattes on late night shopping, another tipple or two whilst wrapping presents, take a sip of the whiskey left for Santa, exercise routines dwindle away and we start to let ourselves go knowing that come January we will get back on the wagon!

 This time of year is a wonderful time for having fun and catching up with friends, but unfortunately its not a great time for the scales and potentially undoes some of the hard work you have put in through out the year. You don’t want to completely ruin all your progress in the next 5 weeks or the space of one single festive week, do you?! That also doesn’t mean, putting off starting a new fitness, weight-loss plan with the excuse of starting in January!

So how can you strike the balance between letting go and enjoying yourself, but not opening the floodgates entirely? 

With 5 weeks to go, here are 5 tips for you to stay in control in the lead up to Christmas.

Drink water, stay hydrated

Alcohol is a massive reason for dehydration and weight gain. The consumption of alcohol, fizzy drinks and hot warming beverages, all of which contribute to a significant amount of sugar intake and empty calories, is linked to increased appetite therefore weight gain.

Not only will limiting your alcohol help with staying hydrated it will help curb craving for sweet stuff, pastries and cheese.

During our busy schedules and celebratory cocktails, the cold weather drys out your skin, making sure you’ve had enough water only becomes more necessary from November to January.

  • For every glass of champagne, drink a glass of water.

  • Drink more water before reaching for more food.

  • Bring your own water bottle to holiday functions.

  • Choose peppermint tea instead of milky hot cocoa.

Be active with family and friends

Sedentary activities, such as sitting on the couch watching TV, playing a board game, playing on the new XBOX are common Christmas traditions for many families. Inactivity may contribute to weight gain especially if accompanied by overeating. Doing some type of physical activity with your family may prove beneficial for weight control. Even something as simple as a family walk can get your mind off food and allow you to bond with your loved ones. Stay active in the next 5 weeks and during Christmas period by continuing to schedule in your fitness class or gym session, signing up for a workplace or community fitness event, such as the local Santa dash. Set yourself a 5 week goal?!

Plan meals and snack wisely

Planning can go a long way towards preventing Christmas weight gain. Continue or start to plan your weekly shop for meals and only buy what is on your list. Plan the events into your weekly shop. If you do have a festive event, do you need to buy a bottle of wine for the evening you won’t be at home?

When treats are easy to access, you’re more likely to snack unnecessarily. If your purchase Christmas goodies, then keep them stored out of sight so no temptation is there to dig in too early. Be mindful when buying the Christmas goodies so that you can’t over indulge when they do get opened. However, that strategy is more difficult to avoid in situations that you cannot control, such as at your workplace or a family party.

However, if you are hungry and need a snack, opt for real foods. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are filling snacks that don’t contain added sugars or unhealthy fats — both of which can lead to weight gain. Or have a glass of water.

Enjoy the party but be selective.

If you have parties on the calendar, ask what foods will be served or bring your own dish.

  • Decide what and how much you’ll eat and drink ahead of time.

  • Could you be the designated driver? Could you select a healthier dish or pass on the starter or dessert?

  • Could you leave the event early so as not to get so drunk, leading to those late-night munchies?

This isn’t about becoming a party pooper, its more about being in control over this period and not feeling the guilt in January.

Control stress levels

Stressed individuals commonly have high levels of cortisol, a hormone that’s released in response to stress. Chronically high cortisol levels may cause weight gain, as they have been linked to greater food intake. Additionally, a stressful lifestyle may cause more cravings for junk food.

For these reasons, it’s important to keep stress levels under control in general — but especially during the build up to Christmas and the big day, when you might be busy and surrounded by unhealthy foods and annoying family members!

So keep up the fitness regime to destress. Escape to class or the gym rather than the wine bar. Enjoy you Christmas with less guilt and more control.