
How sleep affects your weight

How sleep affects your weight

The amount and quality of sleep you get any given night really sets the tone of the following day. When we’re well-rested, our minds and bodies just seem to work better. When we’re really tired, everything’s harder. We get cranky, can’t focus, and sometimes get sick. Skimping on sleep long term can interfere with pretty much every aspect of your health from your skin to your immune system, to your ability to maintain a healthy weight.

How sleep affects stress & weight loss

How sleep affects stress & weight loss

You’ve tried every diet you have heard of, deprived yourself of treats for days on end and stretched your body with all kinds of exercise regimens. But you still can’t seem to lose weight. Have you checked if you’re getting enough sleep? Numerous studies and surveys suggest that a large proportion of society don’t get enough sleep. Blame it on hectic schedules, multiple demands on limited resources and the tendency to sacrifice sleep in order to meet all these targets. Either way, your mind and body are suffering the consequences, and weight gain is the most obvious fallout.