
Sitting too much ages you by 8 years!

Sitting too much ages you by 8 years!

But exercise can counteract it. A new study finds sitting too much during the day has been linked to a host of diseases, from obesity to heart problems and diabetes, as well as early death. It’s not hard to understand why: being inactive can contribute to weight gain, which in turn is a risk factor for heart attack, stroke, hypertension and unhealthy blood sugar levels.  On top of everything else, sitting has detrimental effects on cells at the biological level, according to a new report published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

Why that brisk walk may NOT be enough!

Why that brisk walk may NOT be enough!

Exercising for more than 12 hours a week gives the best protection against heart attacks, strokes, cancer and diabetes.

  • 12 hours is five times higher than the minimum activity suggested by the British Government and the World Health Organisation
  • Official guidelines fall well short of a truly healthy lifestyle, they say
  • But others argue health guidance has to be realistic, with some polls suggesting 44 per cent of people in Britain do no regular exercise at all.

How sleep affects stress & weight loss

How sleep affects stress & weight loss

You’ve tried every diet you have heard of, deprived yourself of treats for days on end and stretched your body with all kinds of exercise regimens. But you still can’t seem to lose weight. Have you checked if you’re getting enough sleep? Numerous studies and surveys suggest that a large proportion of society don’t get enough sleep. Blame it on hectic schedules, multiple demands on limited resources and the tendency to sacrifice sleep in order to meet all these targets. Either way, your mind and body are suffering the consequences, and weight gain is the most obvious fallout.

Do these 5 things every day to live longer

Do these 5 things every day to live longer

What if the secret to a longer life could be boiled down to five simple steps?  Harvard Medical School professor Sanjiv Chopra, MD, believes it can. In his new book, The Big Five, Dr. Chopra outlines a handful of habits with benefits backed by decades of research. For the majority of people, he writes, making these behaviors part of your daily routine can boost your health, and perhaps lengthen your life span. Below, the five-step plan he's dubbed the lazy man's guide to longevity.