Good health doesn’t just happen. Often, a series of choices defines your health. Fortunately, one bad decision usually doesn’t dictate your health outcome: If you eat a cheeseburger, fries and a milkshake for dinner one night, you won’t wake up with chronic hypertension the next morning. However, if you were to eat that same meal several nights a week for years, you might develop hypertension or even other disorders.
5 Tips For The Corporate Runner
Modern life means that many of us struggle to achieve a healthy work: life balance… Let alone a work: training: life balance!
Whether a runner, triathlete or any other type of athlete also holding down a full-time job, there are a number of challenges facing us both physical and organisational, many of which our colleagues will never fully comprehend.
5 Reasons Why Running Makes You Sick
Unless you have ironclad guts, there’s a good chance you’ve thrown up thanks to running. Because upchucking is an unpleasant occurrence that doesn’t discriminate, knowing its possible causes is essential if you want to avoid regurgitating after (or during) a tough run. If you have ever found yourself draped over a wall after picking up your race medal, here are some possible reasons for your gut’s dissatisfaction - and the ways you can try to combat it.
Doctors Urged To "Prescribe Exercise" To Combat Obesity Crisis
The Effects Of Negative Thoughts and Emotions On Your Body
Do these 5 things every day to live longer
What if the secret to a longer life could be boiled down to five simple steps? Harvard Medical School professor Sanjiv Chopra, MD, believes it can. In his new book, The Big Five, Dr. Chopra outlines a handful of habits with benefits backed by decades of research. For the majority of people, he writes, making these behaviors part of your daily routine can boost your health, and perhaps lengthen your life span. Below, the five-step plan he's dubbed the lazy man's guide to longevity.
How Much Protein do We Really Need?
Protein is often the starring role during mealtimes, but perhaps you might be better off moving it aside as a supporting cast of foods on your plate.
Although getting enough protein is important to your health, it provides many benefits including healthy nails and skin, weight loss, and building muscle. So how much is too much? Let’s find out.
Science Says You Should Lift More Weights
We all know that to stay healthy we should do more cardio exercise, but it seems that the benefits of lifting weights may have been under-rated.
Any time there are guidelines on a healthy lifestyle they tell us we should be walking, running or jogging more, but new scientific thinking has suggested that building muscle may be just as important.