
Why Is It Important To Wear Proper Shoes For Running Or Working Out?

Why Is It Important To Wear Proper Shoes For Running Or Working Out?

Whether your workout involves running, walking, sports or gym equipment, a decent sport shoe is a must. Injury caused by inappropriate shoes can needlessly derail your fitness or weight loss attempt. Investing in a quality shoe can help you to prevent foot and ankle damage, and make your workout a more pleasant and comfortable experience. If you take your running (and your health) seriously, you should invest in a pair of shoes meant for the running gait and the specific biomechanics of a runner. 

It Isn't Too Late To Combat Christmas Stress

It Isn't Too Late To Combat Christmas Stress

Christmas can be a very stressful time of year.  For many the Christmas holiday period is a mass of complex social interactions with family or relatives, some of whom you may rather not see.