
Flexitarian Eating or Just A Balanced Diet

Flexitarian Eating or Just A Balanced Diet

Nourishment and adds healthy flexibility to your diet.

Have you been tempted to become a vegetarian, but the thought of giving up barbecues or your mom’s meatloaf seems too daunting? Thankfully, you can obtain many of the same benefits of vegetarian living without forgoing meat completely. You just have to become a “flexitarian.”

The Importance of Active Recovery Rest Days To Get The Most Out Of Your Workout

The Importance of Active Recovery Rest Days To Get The Most Out Of Your Workout

Getting fitter isn't just about working harder in the gym—it's also about doing the right things the rest of the time.

As hard as you might crush a workout, the real labour happens on the days you don't sweat. When you exercise, your muscles undergo microtrauma. Afterward, what are known as satellite cells fuse to the damaged areas to repair the muscle fibres. But this process can happen only when you're at rest. If you keep exercising, your muscles never get a chance to repair themselves, and your progress will plateau and eventually decline. So taking time off is essential. But if your usual rest day is a date with your couch, cancel those plans pronto, and use these expert tactics to strengthen your recovery.

Why You Feel Nauseated During A Workout

Why You Feel Nauseated During A Workout

Unfortunately, exercise-induced nausea is a real thing—here's why (and how to deal). In this age of tough bootcamp workouts and high-intensity interval training, feeling like you want to vomit has become an increasingly common aspect of a serious sweat session. If you ever (or often) find yourself dealing with queasiness as the result of a challenging workout, know this: You're not alone; exercise-induced nausea is a real thing—and it can really get in the way of the post-sweat pride you should be feeling.

5 Signs Your Hormones Are Out Of Balance

5 Signs Your Hormones Are Out Of Balance

Do you feel like something is just not right? You’re not sick.  You’re not in physical pain. But something just isn’t quite letting you feel 100%. It could be your hormones!

If you’re eating more, sleeping less, and feeling frazzled and stressed out are your default emotions, even when things are going pretty good for you. It’s likely you’ve got a hormone imbalance. 

Why You Get Dizzy When You Workout

Why You Get Dizzy When You Workout

Dizziness, blurred vision, or light-headedness when you exercise can be alarming (not to mention a detriment to your workout). The last thing you want is to feel dizzy and lightheaded when you come up from that last burpee, which is an unpleasant experience, (and somewhat alarming!) side effect during or after exercise. Here's what might be causing it and how to prevent it in the future.

Which Came First - IBS or Anxiety and Depression?

Which Came First - IBS or Anxiety and Depression?

Your irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has been a mystery since you first experienced symptoms. Beyond the discomfort of the symptoms, dealing with the condition is frustrating. Much of the frustration comes from a lack of certainty surrounding the condition.

Why We May Still Feel Insecure Even After Getting In Shape

Why We May Still Feel Insecure Even After Getting In Shape

Pedalled by big business, the media and cultural expectations, we are all sold the same image of happiness: lean, toned and beautiful. When we see thin celebrities, fitness models and social media influences looking blissful and perfect, it’s hard not to equate being fit with success. This is only perpetuated by ads for fad workouts and weight-loss supplements, showcasing confident and beautiful “afters” as proof of their supposed efficacy.

What Can Cause High Blood Pressure?

What Can Cause High Blood Pressure?

Every time your heart beats, it pushes blood, nutrients, and oxygen through your arteries to reach the rest of your body. But when you have high blood pressure, it's a sign that your heart is having to work too hard to pump that blood where it needs to go. The result: Damaged arteries, a worn-out heart, and an increased risk of heart disease—which is to blame for the deaths of one in three women every year. Here's what causes high blood pressure, and how you can fight whatever might be throwing your heart into overdrive.

The Science Behind Falling Out Of Shape

The Science Behind Falling Out Of Shape

If you've worked hard to get in shape, the last thing you want is for your fitness gains to disappear. But if you skip your workouts for just two weeks, that's exactly what might happen, at least on some level. While people who are in shape can generally regain their fit physique easier than those who are starting from scratch, it may sound somewhat surprising that your body can fall so quickly out of shape. The phrase "use it or lose it" applies when it comes to your muscle strength, cardiovascular fitness and more.

It Isn't Too Late To Combat Christmas Stress

It Isn't Too Late To Combat Christmas Stress

Christmas can be a very stressful time of year.  For many the Christmas holiday period is a mass of complex social interactions with family or relatives, some of whom you may rather not see. 

Christmas health & Fitness

Christmas health & Fitness

The Christmas holiday period is typically extremely busy and can also be extremely indulgent with everyone gorging themselves on a sumptuous Christmas dinner and enjoying plenty of holiday hospitality with family and friends. In short, health and fitness is not generally found at the top of Santa's naughty or nice list.


Yes, Christmas is a time of celebration, and often excess, frequently resulting in firm New Year’s resolutions to get fit and lose weight, so it’s not surprising that many people struggle to maintain a healthy focus in December. If your fitness takes a back seat at this time of year, you’ll probably identify with some of the following problems:

o    I’m too busy with Christmas preparations to fit exercise into my day.

o    I get invited to loads of indulgent Christmas parties.

o    I love Christmas but I know I overdo the eating and drinking.

o    In January, I always have to try and make amends for the effects of the festivities.

If any of those phrases ring a few bells, these tips can help you. To enjoy the Christmas celebrations and maintain a healthy focus, simply follow our festive fitness guide which includes:

o    Maintenance exercise routines.

o    Time efficient exercise strategies.

o    Calorie saving ideas.

So that when the festive season draws to a close, you don’t have a mountain to climb to get back in shape.

Keeping your fitness routine going

One of the hardest things to do when your time is in short supply is to maintain an exercise routine. If you usually exercise a few times a week, the extra demands on your time can mean that something has to give. However, reduced training doesn’t mean that your fitness levels have to plummet. Research has shown that a couple of weeks of maintenance training can result in minimal or even no fitness losses.

Indeed, in certain cases performance can actually improve after a short period of reduced training because the body has the opportunity to recharge and rebuild. Hence on returning to full training, you can find that you have renewed vigour and enthusiasm for your sessions. If you enjoy regular workouts, try the following tips for effective maintenance training:

Commit to stay fit

Simply plan, inform and execute. Plan in some shorter and/or less frequent exercise sessions. Explain to your friends and family the changes you’re making, but also the importance of keeping your fitness going, and then put your plan into action.

A little exercise is better than nothing

Accept that your workouts will be shorter but also realize that they can still provide training benefits.

For example:

o    If you usually enjoy several jogging or running sessions, cutting your training time by half will still keep you fit.

o    Instead of completing two or three sets of each resistance training exercise, reduce it to one or two sets. Your session will take less time but you’re still exercising the same muscles, so your strength won’t disappear.

Quality over quantity

If your typical training week includes some more challenging sessions, it is important to maintain them. Instead of interspersing them with recovery workouts where you exercise lightly, focus on every session being high quality. You can then omit the easier sessions, which will save time. A recovery session now becomes a rest day. The key to success with this strategy is to make sure you don’t let up on the quality of each workout. That way you are keeping your ‘fitness edge’ that you’ve worked hard to achieve.

Time-saving exercise

In addition to focusing on maintenance training, you can also employ strategies within your workouts that save time. An additional benefit of some time-saving strategies is that the quality of your training session also improves.

Resistance training workouts

A typical session with weights in the gym involves completing two or more sets of a range of exercises, with a recovery period of anything between 30 seconds and several minutes between each set. This recovery period is an essential component of your training, but it is time during the festive season that you can ill afford to spare. Instead of relaxing and recovering between sets, for a change, try carrying out complementary exercises during the recoveries, for example: alternating between the following muscles:


o    Chest and upper back .

o    Biceps and triceps.

o    Abdominals and lower back.

o    Quadriceps and hamstrings (front and back of legs).

Cardiovascular (CV) workouts

Every workout should include a thorough warm-up and cool-down so there is no opportunity to save time there. However, in the main body of your session, there is an opportunity to reduce the duration but still get calorie burning and quality training benefits. Instead of doing a ‘steady-state’ CV session, try a few of the following time saving alternatives.

Five minutes brisk followed with five minutes easy

Whether you’re jogging outdoors or working out on a piece of gym equipment, alternate faster efforts with equal time recoveries. You get a greater training effect than just a steady workout and so you can cut your session time down yet still remain fit.

A short, intense time-trial

Again, any piece of gym equipment can be used, or walking, jogging or running outside. Decide on a time or distance that you’re going to exercise for and then after your warm-up, really go for it against the clock. It’s tough – but great training and a shorter session brings as many benefits as your usual longer workout. Always remember to include a thorough cool-down afterwards.

Hill training programs

For a change, select a hill training program, vary the resistance on the rower, cross-trainer or bike, or simply put more effort in on the hills for your outdoor training. This way you are substituting more quality for steady-state training, so a shorter workout brings greater benefits.

Simple calorie swaps and savers

Christmas is always a challenge to keep your calorie intake at normal levels but with a little planning you can still enjoy all the festivities and keep the calories in check. Simply try the three calorie saving ideas below to keep your weight under control at Christmas...

Watch the home measures

If you only get three glasses of wine out of a bottle, your 80 calories a glass shoots up to 160 calories a glass, so stick to standard measures if you can.

Christmas trimmings

Standard potions of stuffing, combined with other trimmings such as bacon, sausage and sauce can easily total over 500 calories. Just sticking to stuffing and using the roasting juices as gravy will slash those calories by half.

Christmas puddings

Christmas pudding and mince pies are delicious – and also high in calories. However, when smothered in brandy butter or double cream, the calories go through the roof. Try some crème fraiche or yogurt as an alternative and you cut out fat and save calories.

Christmas all wrapped up

Most people will struggle with limited time and tempting fare at this time of year but with a little planning, the festive season can be enjoyed and healthy. By training smartly and following a few sensible eating strategies, you can maintain your fitness, balance out your calories and arrive at the New Year in good shape. Complements of the season and enjoy your exercise

It Is Impossible To Spot Reduce Fat

It Is Impossible To Spot Reduce Fat

Many people yearn to lose fat from one specific part of their body. For example, you might wish you carried a fewer pounds in your midsection. Efforts to eliminate fat from an individual area are called “spot reduction.” While it would be nice if dropping the fat off specific body parts were possible, it is not.

5 Ways To Keep Your brain Young (Not Including Exercise)

5 Ways To Keep Your brain Young  (Not Including Exercise)

Research has long proven that regular exercise does a brain good as much as the body. Breaking a sweat helps reduce insulin resistance and inflammation while simultaneously promoting and protecting brain cell growth. New scientific evidence, however, suggests that not just any workout helps fight against cognitive decline. You’ve got to really work it to see the best results as you age.

Healthy Weight Loss Vs Quick Results

Healthy Weight Loss Vs Quick Results

From diet programs to detox teas, so many products promise instant gratification when it comes to transforming your body. But is it actually possible to lose a substantial amount of weight in a healthy way. For many people who lose a large amount of weight rapidly, unsuccessfully keep it off. In fact, most people, upon returning back to ‘normal’ diet, gain back more than they initially drop.

How Long Does It Take To Get Out Of Shape?

How Long Does It Take To Get Out Of Shape?

Everyone, regardless of their commitment to fitness, is guilty of missing the occasional workout. Skipping the odd session isn’t going to affect your fitness or body composition. But what happens when one missed workout turns into three or four? What happens when work, injury or loss of motivation cause you to give up on training altogether?

Fading fitness

Binge Drinking at Christmas

Binge Drinking at Christmas

Christmas is fast approaching, as too is party season for many places of work, is undoubtedly a time for socialising, relaxing and enjoying ourselves after a hard year’s work. With festive markets and mulled wine stalls springing up in towns and cities up and down the country, the amount of alcohol we consume as a nation at this time of year will inevitably increase.

But it’s important to keep in mind that the effects of alcohol on the body are the same as they are during any other month; and that binge drinking in particular can pose an increased risk to heart health.

Word It Right And Talk Yourself Fit

Word It Right And Talk Yourself Fit

Our language, the words we use and the way in which we speak (and write) them, can have a lasting impact on our current and future behaviour. Not only the words we say to others, but more important, our own self-talk can predict our success. Consider the two following sentences:

  • “I choose to eat better because I want to feel energetic and live a long, healthy life.” 
  • “I should stop eating chocolate at night. It just ends up on my belly as a muffin top.”

Which one is more likely ultimately result in healthy living?

Can Diet Pills Effect Your Menstrual Cycle?

Can Diet Pills Effect Your Menstrual Cycle?

Many women experience an irregular menstrual cycle sometime in their lives. This may last for a short time or may be a lifelong feature of their cycles. Causes include polyps, breastfeeding, chemotherapy, stress and drug use. Diet pills fall in this last category, and often knock menstrual cycles off kilter. If you suspect your attempt to lose weight might be causing irregular periods, consult your doctor.

Motivation Preparation for a morning workout

Motivation Preparation for a morning workout

Rise and shine! It’s time to leap out of bed and throw on your sports gear. What do you mean you’re too tired? Then why did you set your alarm to go off so early this morning? If you’re struggling to get the most out of your morning workouts, you’re not alone. Finding the motivation before we’ve so much as smelled the first coffee of the day can be tough. That’s why I've assembled a few tips for early risers. With the right planning, your morning workout can be a pleasure, not a chore. It all starts the night before…

Exercise Vs Diabetes: New level of Detail Uncovered

Exercise Vs Diabetes: New level of Detail Uncovered

Although exercise is already known to reduce type 2 diabetes risk, a new study brings additional detail. Using data from more than 1 million participants across four continents, researchers measured the precise benefits of exercise.

As far as exercise and diabetes are concerned, the more, the better.