healthy lifestyle

Binge Drinking at Christmas

Binge Drinking at Christmas

Christmas is fast approaching, as too is party season for many places of work, is undoubtedly a time for socialising, relaxing and enjoying ourselves after a hard year’s work. With festive markets and mulled wine stalls springing up in towns and cities up and down the country, the amount of alcohol we consume as a nation at this time of year will inevitably increase.

But it’s important to keep in mind that the effects of alcohol on the body are the same as they are during any other month; and that binge drinking in particular can pose an increased risk to heart health.

Achieving your SMART health goal

Achieving your SMART health goal

Good health doesn’t just happen. Often, a series of choices defines your health. Fortunately, one bad decision usually doesn’t dictate your health outcome: If you eat a cheeseburger, fries and a milkshake for dinner one night, you won’t wake up with chronic hypertension the next morning. However, if you were to eat that same meal several nights a week for years, you might develop hypertension or even other disorders.