mental wellbeing

Rest Vs Active Rest

Rest Vs Active Rest

A common mistake of people new to exercising - and really even among experienced exercisers - is to workout too hard, too often. This might not seem like a big problem initially, but over training can effect your health and is something that needs to be taken seriously.

5 Ways To Keep Your brain Young (Not Including Exercise)

5 Ways To Keep Your brain Young  (Not Including Exercise)

Research has long proven that regular exercise does a brain good as much as the body. Breaking a sweat helps reduce insulin resistance and inflammation while simultaneously promoting and protecting brain cell growth. New scientific evidence, however, suggests that not just any workout helps fight against cognitive decline. You’ve got to really work it to see the best results as you age.

Achieving your SMART health goal

Achieving your SMART health goal

Good health doesn’t just happen. Often, a series of choices defines your health. Fortunately, one bad decision usually doesn’t dictate your health outcome: If you eat a cheeseburger, fries and a milkshake for dinner one night, you won’t wake up with chronic hypertension the next morning. However, if you were to eat that same meal several nights a week for years, you might develop hypertension or even other disorders.