
Rest Vs Active Rest

Rest Vs Active Rest

A common mistake of people new to exercising - and really even among experienced exercisers - is to workout too hard, too often. This might not seem like a big problem initially, but over training can effect your health and is something that needs to be taken seriously.

Which Came First - IBS or Anxiety and Depression?

Which Came First - IBS or Anxiety and Depression?

Your irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has been a mystery since you first experienced symptoms. Beyond the discomfort of the symptoms, dealing with the condition is frustrating. Much of the frustration comes from a lack of certainty surrounding the condition.

The Effects Of Negative Thoughts and Emotions On Your Body

The Effects Of Negative Thoughts and Emotions On Your Body

Humans undergo various emotions, from happiness and joy to sadness and depression. Each of these emotions creates a different environment in the body as the body releases different chemicals depending on the emotion.