From diet programs to detox teas, so many products promise instant gratification when it comes to transforming your body. But is it actually possible to lose a substantial amount of weight in a healthy way. For many people who lose a large amount of weight rapidly, unsuccessfully keep it off. In fact, most people, upon returning back to ‘normal’ diet, gain back more than they initially drop.
Can Diet Pills Effect Your Menstrual Cycle?
Many women experience an irregular menstrual cycle sometime in their lives. This may last for a short time or may be a lifelong feature of their cycles. Causes include polyps, breastfeeding, chemotherapy, stress and drug use. Diet pills fall in this last category, and often knock menstrual cycles off kilter. If you suspect your attempt to lose weight might be causing irregular periods, consult your doctor.
Science Says You Should Lift More Weights
We all know that to stay healthy we should do more cardio exercise, but it seems that the benefits of lifting weights may have been under-rated.
Any time there are guidelines on a healthy lifestyle they tell us we should be walking, running or jogging more, but new scientific thinking has suggested that building muscle may be just as important.