Apps to help manage you mental health

Apps to help manage you mental health

The inventions of apps means we now have mental health tools right in our pockets.  Keeping track of your mood, finding ways to cope and monitoring your mental processes are all activities that might sound like a slog, but the majesty of modern technology means they can be fun too

Here are 5 apps that can really help make a difference when it comes to your mental health:

5 Tips For The Corporate Runner

5 Tips For The Corporate Runner

Modern life means that many of us struggle to achieve a healthy work: life balance… Let alone a work: training: life balance!

Whether a runner, triathlete or any other type of athlete also holding down a full-time job, there are a number of challenges facing us both physical and organisational, many of which our colleagues will never fully comprehend.

5 Reasons Why Running Makes You Sick

5 Reasons Why Running Makes You Sick

Unless you have ironclad guts, there’s a good chance you’ve thrown up thanks to running. Because upchucking is an unpleasant occurrence that doesn’t discriminate, knowing its possible causes is essential if you want to avoid regurgitating after (or during) a tough run. If you have ever found yourself draped over a wall after picking up your race medal, here are some possible reasons for your gut’s dissatisfaction - and the ways you can try to combat it. 

Doctors Urged To "Prescribe Exercise" To Combat Obesity Crisis

Doctors Urged To "Prescribe Exercise" To Combat Obesity Crisis

The Local Government Association (LGA) said GPs across England and Wales should give patients physical activity goals - whether that’s walking, attending fitness classes or participating in activities in parks - to encourage them to be more active.

Runners beware - Violent crime on the increase in Warwickshire!!

Runners beware - Violent crime on the increase in Warwickshire!!

With the nights drawing in and may fitness enthusiasts training in parks and running the roads the new statistics are alarming!!  New figures from the Crime Survey for England and Wales show there were 3,745 reports of violence with injury in Warwickshire in the year up to March 31, 2016 - a rise of 120 per cent. This was closely followed by incidents of violence against the person which were up 71 per cent to 8,387.  In the West Midlands, the picture also showed an increase in violent incidents with violence with injury up 28 per cent to 23,199 and violence against the person up 19 per cent to 43,187.

Got 15 Spare Minutes? Here's How To Make It Count

Got 15 Spare Minutes? Here's How To Make It Count

When we’re faced with only 15 minutes in between meetings, or waiting in line to get coffee or lunch, our natural inclination is to either answer email, look at social media, or text someone. These are not always the most productive uses of small slivers of time, according to several experts.

They say there is plenty you can accomplish in 15 minutes, if you do three things:

  • Separate your to-do list into tasks and projects, and focus on the tasks.
  • Write your to-do list in a way that allows you take immediate action.
  • Look at email and social media with a focus on moving forward.

Conditioning, stability, mobility, flexibility = improved performance

Conditioning, stability, mobility, flexibility = improved performance

Keeping in line with recent blogging around mobility and function for improved performance and every day biomechanics function, take a look at these exercises.  They condition the body at the same time as improving function and dynamic flexibility.

Lower back and hip pain - daily mobility routine

Lower back and hip pain - daily mobility routine

Many people in society are suffering from lower back issues and hip issues.  The main cause of this is due to automation and the amount of time we spend these days sitting down creating biomechanics issues and adaptive shortening in certain muscle groups, one of these the hip flexors and their associated muscles.  This can then create issues when we are standing and active.  

5 Ways exercise slows down the ageing process

5 Ways exercise slows down the ageing process

Aside from maintaining a healthy diet, science says regular exercise is one of the best ways to slow down the natural aging process. Of course, chronic or obsessive exercise patterns can end up causing more harm to the body than good, so it’s important to find the right balance. Exercise alone can’t fix a lifestyle filled with stress, alcohol, smoking, poor food choices and other unhealthy habits. Generally, however, exercise provides health-boosting effects that affect how your body ages in a multitude of ways, which we will outline below.

Anterior pelvic tilt, a sitting issue!

Anterior pelvic tilt, a sitting issue!

Anterior pelvic tilt is a big issue these days with a large proportion of society having office based jobs, long periods of time sitting in the car and watching TV!  This condition can cause lower back issues, hamstring tightness and have a knock on effect up the kinetic chain creating mid back pain and even neck pain and headaches.

Benefits of having a Personal Trainer

Benefits of having a Personal Trainer

It’s common for people to think of a session with a personal trainer as a form of punishment, a large angry man shouting at you! Not any more…

Far from it, as more and more people are finding out. The personal trainer used to be just for the wealthy celeb or the top athletes, but that time has gone and normal people are calling on these professionals to get fit and healthy and in the martial arts assit in improving techniques and specific conditioning. But, we already have gym membership or train at our martial arts class!! Why would we pay a personal trainer on top of that?

The Effects Of Negative Thoughts and Emotions On Your Body

The Effects Of Negative Thoughts and Emotions On Your Body

Humans undergo various emotions, from happiness and joy to sadness and depression. Each of these emotions creates a different environment in the body as the body releases different chemicals depending on the emotion. 

10 Best Exercises To Increase Lung Capacity

10 Best Exercises To Increase Lung Capacity

Did you know that even your lungs need exercise to stay healthy and normally function? The body needs oxygen for its survival. Every activity in the body is dependent on oxygen, including the metabolic functioning of cells.

Lower back pain linked to women’s TV watching

Lower back pain linked to women’s TV watching

Watching TV for extended periods can cause lower back pain even in active women, an Australian study has found.

The research, undertaken by Melbourne's Monash University, found that watching TV was a factor in lower back pain for women, but not men.

Using data from the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study, along with a questionnaire to uncover lifestyle factors, the study also found little evidence connecting physical activity levels to back pain intensity.

Why that brisk walk may NOT be enough!

Why that brisk walk may NOT be enough!

Exercising for more than 12 hours a week gives the best protection against heart attacks, strokes, cancer and diabetes.

  • 12 hours is five times higher than the minimum activity suggested by the British Government and the World Health Organisation
  • Official guidelines fall well short of a truly healthy lifestyle, they say
  • But others argue health guidance has to be realistic, with some polls suggesting 44 per cent of people in Britain do no regular exercise at all.